
Tips to buy a Solar Power System

Tips to buy a Solar Power System

With the rise in awareness about the conventional sources of energy, there has been a steep rise in usage of solar power panels as well. Whether it is for your home or office, the efficiency and effectiveness of a solar power panel will not disappoint you.

But despite the fact that the solar panels have a plethora of long-term advantages, there might be instances where the customers can get carried away when it comes to buying them. This is because many solar panel distributors lure their customers with excessive advertising. These kinds of over-popularized and over-marketed solar power panels have less substance and do not deliver the services that their manufacturers promise.

Therefore, in this blog, we will discuss the tried and tested tips to buy the best solar panels. We at Sunrise Power thoroughly understand the needs and requirements of the people of Australia and these tips are curated specifically for them.

Thus, without further delay, let us get started.

Understand your requirements

See there is not an iota of doubt about the efficiency and longevity of the solar power panels. But, it is essential for the customers as well to thoroughly understand their requirements before installing the solar panel in their home.

Solar panels in Australia have to be competent enough to the climate they are subjected to so as to render the best possible service. Thus, it is required for the customers to understand what they actually want before installing the solar power panel or they could consult an able solar power installation and distribution service provider.

Study thoroughly the service provider’s credentials

It is absolutely necessary for the customers to go through the credentials of the distributing service provider. A complete knowledge about the credentials will help the users to assess the credibility of the company. Moreover, it will also give you an idea about who is competent in installing solar panels.

In case of solar power for home, you have to see the overall capacity of the solar panel. In addition, it is also essential to ask the right questions to the distribution service provider. It will give you a clear idea about the longevity of the solar power panel, energy storage capacity, how it would produce power when there is little to no solar energy, etc.

Get a few quotes

If you are investing your money in getting a solar power panel, it is an obvious fact to look at the return on investment. Thus, it is always advised to get a few quotes so that as a customer you will know which distributor has the best rates.

Moreover, you must also not follow the distributor who is giving you lower prices without checking the quality of the solar panel. Thus, while getting the quotes, ask them about the salient features of their solar power panel and understand what makes the product different from others. While getting the quotes, along with the money give longevity, reliability and credibility of the solar panel equal importance.

Be sure on the types of panels

Going according to the weather in your area, the requirement of types of solar panels in Australia will be different. So if you are opting to use solar power for home you would require a different solar panel type than a solar power panel for commercial purposes.

Moreover, we do not advise our customers to fill their roof-top with solar panels as it would be difficult to add more in case you require more energy. Thus, at Sunrise Power, we always advise the customers to be mindful about choosing the number of solar panels and also about finalizing the size of the solar panel.

Always ask for recommendations

Asking your peers about their experience after installing a solar power panel will give you a clear idea about the expectations. Because, as mentioned earlier, companies can go to any lengths and breadth to over-glorify their solar power panels.

If you ask your neighbours, friends or relatives about their experience, they will also tell you what kinds of problems they faced with their solar power panels. Thus, as a customer, it will be easier for you to avoid these problems and buy the best solar panels for your usage.

Find the right spot

It is a no-brainer that the customer must be very careful about the space they have for installing the solar power panel. Because if the place of installation is not proper, the solar panel will not be able to work to its full potential.

Moreover, space is necessary for the solar power panel to function irrespective of the solar power kit the customer chooses. Thus, whether it is solar power for home or commercial purposes, it is compulsory that the solar power panel is installed at the right space.

Ask for the certifications

This is perhaps the most important tip for the customers that will serve them well in the long run. It is very important while buying a solar power kit to look at the certifications of the system.

This is because the certification is a clear indicator of the type of testing done on the solar panel. Thus, through this the customers can decide whether the solar power panel is credible or not. Moreover, they can also get an idea about the efficiency and longevity of the solar power panel through its certification.

Check for the mounting system

There are two main types of mounting systems:

  • Flush mounting
  • Floor or roof mounting

The USP of flush mounting is that it is cost-effective and is very easy to install. While on the other hand, floor or roof mounting is a bit more expensive. But its advantage is that it has a solar power system that lasts for long.

Moreover, it is necessary for the customers to check the mounting system of the solar panel as it will show them how much the solar power panel will save. In addition, the best solar panel will have the best mounting that will ensure that there is less chance of the panel getting unmounted during storms or cyclones.


Before finalizing solar panels for Australia, it is necessary for the customers to understand everything. Therefore, the above mentioned tips will help them to make more informed decisions and buy the best solar panel that will serve them best for decades to come. Moreover, these tips will help the user get their hard-earned money worth as well.

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